Transforming Crisis into Connection

Truest Life Consulting is for families who have exhausted all the traditional resources for creating peace and connection in their home.

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Move Away from Tired Old-School Strategies...Let's Try Inspired, Effective Ideas That Work For Real

Experience real change as Vanessa Hancock personally partakes in activities alongside your teen, fostering growth through direct involvement.

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Establish a sustainable, authentic
connection with your teen

Vanessa is awesome! So easy to talk to for the whole family. Everyone enjoyed their time with Vanessa and everyone in our family changed for the better. Vanessa knows how to figure out the underlying issue(s) and uses that to make positive changes. She talks to each member of the family and gets to the bottom of everyone's individual struggles.

Sophie Hinchliff

Vanessa is a life changer and I think everyone and anyone can benefit from a conversation with this wonderful woman! She helps take our so sacred relationships with our kids and ourselves to another level I could never thank her enough. Vanessa can help with the slightest of issues up to really big ugly at the point of giving up issues. My son enjoyed talking to her from Day 1.

Diana Navarro

Vanessa is such a positive influence on your whole family. She has a great way of breaking down/creating awareness about so many of the silly rules that we hold ourselves and our kids to while at the same time providing solutions that work. Whether it’s your teen, parenting, relationships or career Vanessa helps you navigate a better path.

Mike Reina

Vanessa is able to find and uncover issues that I was not aware of that were affecting my relationships with my daughter, myself and others. She does this with compassion, passion, understanding and humor, adding in a side of determination and patience. All I needed to do was show up, take her coaching and move forward.

Sarah Mackin

I've been working closely with Vanessa for the past 7 months. Her insight, expansive worldview, and radical honesty has transformed the way I see myself in my leadership position. Through my sessions with Vanessa, I am now experiencing more integration of my fullest expression into my work and home life. I've worked with many coaches in the past, and Vanessa's guidance has been truly transformative for me. Her inner light shines so brightly, that you can't help but give yourself permission to let your light shine more brightly too.

Eva Marie Shivers

There is no one like Vanessa who can coach the way that she does. She has literally changed my life SEVERAL times, maybe every time I talk to her, actually. Not only does she show you the love and acceptance that no one in your life has ever been able to, she has the skills to mine your perfect next step from the depths of your soul! It can seem simple, but it is so monumental. She will never tell you what to do, but she will turn up the volume knob on the voice inside you who knows how to bring you back to your most vibrant life. I highly recommend Vanessa for any difficult life situation.

Kara Finlayson

Vanessa is truly one of a kind and uses compassion and kindness to bring out the best in people. She knows how to create a safe and non-judgmental space in order to get to the root of problems naturally. I’ve seen her work miracles. Not only does she work hard professionally, but in her personal life always trying to better herself. Vanessas authenticity is contagious so I would definitely recommend her.

Emily Ralston

It’s hard to find the words for how truly gifted Vanessa is. She is ALWAYS able to see right into the heart of every situation and every person and finds the exact right words that need to be said to TRANSFORM and HEAL the relationships between people and the relationship people have with themselves. She is fearless in speaking the truth and the impact I have seen her have is nothing short of miraculous. If you feel like your family needs a miracle, she’s the one to call.

Dawna Allington

Vanessa from TLC is excellent at connecting with people and meeting them exactly where they're at, regardless of the situation. Having worked with her previously, I've watched her empathetic and judgment-free approach put teens and families at ease immediately, even those in the midst of significant challenges. She's an absolute ace at breaking down barriers and helping people find a pathway through difficult situations.

Shane Watson

I was fortunate to work alongside Vanessa Hancock with teens and their parents. I was amazed at her skills in bringing them together so they could start healing themselves and their relationships. While it was often emotional, I always felt both caregivers and teens felt positive and respected.

Scott Reed

Vanessa has an incredible and unique gift to come into the most difficult situations and help all parties involved understand one another and find a path forward. Not only does she have tons of lived experience, she has an unparalleled strength in communication and helping people build empathy. I promise you this woman can work magic!

Aleta Battistella Lynch

Vanessa has been able to help my family in enormous ways, by making me see myself. Small things make a big difference and small changes in me have saved my relationship with my daughter. Even just one phone call makes a difference. I am forever grateful to Vanessa for seeing me and ensuring I see myself and that I see my daughter for who she is. I focused on how my daughter wasn’t the person I wanted her to be, now I see the amazing person she is

Shannon Comer

Vanessa is the REAL DEAL. She is kind, compassionate, but doesn’t put up with in-authenticy. She encourages each and everyone to own up to his/her weakness/setbacks in order to get past them. Paving the way for your “Truest Self”. If you are looking for someone to hold you accountable, someone to give you a swift (gentle) kick-in-pants when you need it or just a warm hug to hold space for you — Vanessa is the perfect Life coach for YOU!!!

Nichole Reynolds

Vanessa will always show up at her authentic self to help you with your real life. She has an amazing ability to not only work well with the adults but with youth as well. Vanessa communication is on point whether it be reminder texts or check in text she’ll always be sure to hear from you!

Zion Givens

Vanessa is one of a kind and is truly a lifesaving force for teens having difficulties navigating the rocky waters of life as well as their parents. She listens intently and provides immediate and effective resolutions that can be swiftly implemented. Her insight is real, raw and so spot on. If you are at a point of giving up or wanting to throw in the towel you have to bring Vanessa into the equation…she truly is that good!

Susan Calka Pack

We met Vanessa when our teenage boy hit a rough patch in life. She held space for a parenting group that was really useful and practical. I like her perspective because she relates to the kids in a way that diffuses the them vs us mentality. She also has this wonderful upbeat energy that I think kids and adults alike respond to!

Sandra Ovlinger Foutz

Vanessa is an amazing coach. She is a great listener and knows how to ask questions that help you see new directions. Most importantly, she knows exactly when to push and hold you accountable so you move in those new directions. Vanessa is truly one of a kind.

Marci Brand

Vanessa really gets it. Like, REALLY GETS IT. She's so relatable, so real, and I feel so lucky that our paths have crossed.

Erin Pacella
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not the last?
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the Magic
of Creating Trust and Emotional Safety

Vanessa Hancock shares her unique approach to family transformation. Learn about her philosophy, methods, and the impactful experiences she creates with families.


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Text/Call: (602) 821-6143
Facebook: @truestlifeconsulting