
Vanessa Hancock

/Teenage Life Consultant

Vanessa Hancock is a parent and teen transformation coach and mother of eight. She relies on her background in business, education, and coaching to inspire parents to create healthy relationships with their teenagers, and ultimately, with themselves. Her work one on one with teenagers and young adults is efficient and effective, creating motivation and results beyond what is normally possible via traditional methods.

Vanessa wrote a book titled: From Mean to Real Clean: How to Create a Fully Functional Relationship With Your Teenager

This guide offers concrete ways to experience a highly communicative relationship with your adolescent children, based on her professional experience and personal insights.

She has been featured in multiple local and national media outlets and has been a valuable asset to families across the world through her writing and coaching.

Vanessa's calling is: People know infinite choice and divine connection.

Vanessa lives in Phoenix, AZ.

Read Her Book!
Text/Call: (602) 821-6143